We Who Believe in Freedom...

Collage by Alexis Pauline Gumbs

This week over a hundred people decided to turn our faces away from the people the two major parties representing so-called democracy have foolishly offered as examples of leadership in these times and turn our faces, our hearts and our minds to two actual examples of leadership Ella Baker and Fannie Lou Hamer. We took the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, a process through which 60,000 disenfranchised citizens created their own embodiment of collective decision making and the Freedom Farm Cooperative a survival project that responded to the terrible policies of corruptly elected leaders by providing access to food sovereignty, affordable housing and education.

We were real about what we are “sick and tired” of (in the words of Fannie Lou Hamer. We shared our complicated and urgent relationship to the light we need to shine at this time and to close we stepped into the field of freedom Ella Baker activated with her speech at the 1964 Mississippi Freedom Democratic Convention that hailed all of us past, present and future who “believe in freedom.” Here is the poem we created together. I advise reading it outloud! (If you missed the workshop you can participate in the replay here: https://sangodare.podia.com/is-this-america-survival-and-creativity-in-the-face-of-electoral-foolishness)

We Who Believe in Freedom


by the participants in “Is this America?”: Creativity and Survival in the Face of Electoral Foolishness


we who believe in freedom find our light

we who believe in freedom are enough

we who believe in freedom spread sanctuary

we who believe in freedom act. again and again and again.

we who believe in freedom are devoted to practicing freedom

we who believe in freedom speak our truth

we who believe in freedom allow ourselves to be fully present in love as action

we who believe in freedom breathe deep

we who believe in freedom love and are loved

we who believe in freedom keep going keep going keep going rest keep going

we who believe in freedom trust our visions

we who believe in freedom imagine hard and strong and deep

we who believe in freedom practice the world you say is impossible

we who believe in freedom return so that we may remember and reclaim

we who believe in freedom give light and give name

we who believe in freedom must slow down enough to receive the medicine of the present moment

we who believe in freedom will loosen our own constrictions and hold others as they soften theirs

we who believe in freedom listen to the ancestors

we who believe in freedom are attuned to the resonant frequency of solidarity, listening for songs of transformation

we who believe in freedom sing

we who believe in freedom shall rest whenever necessary

we who believe in freedom tell the people, show the people, live the truth

we who believe in freedom hold each other tightly and softly and all the ways in between

we who believe in freedom are not afraid to dream and reshape reality and ourselves

we who believe in freedom move towards life together

we who believe in freedom are the ones we’ve been waiting for

we who believe in freedom are the ones we’ve been waiting for: we show up imperfect with our whole selves ready to embody change and revolution

we who believe in freedom are inventing on every level

we who believe in freedom know what it means for a tree to lose its leaves and change

we who believe in freedom are here inside of freedom now, led by the light of our past and future ancestors

we who believe in freedom cannot rest…at one time but the multitude who believe in freedom gives space for the weary and a place for sacred restoration

we who believe in freedom compost domination and plant seeds of collective joy

we who believe in freedom cry together towards softness and safety

we who believe in freedom bring forth our collective flourishing and liberation through our wisdom and love in action

we who believe in freedom stay curious

we who believe in freedom understand that discipline is a choice

we who believe in freedom are able to feel tenderly

we who believe in freedom hold each other as sacred and interdependent

we who believe in freedom are our ancestors wildest dreams

we who believe in freedom find strength in community

we who believe in freedom hold it with many hands

If you want to participate in the whole workshop, the replay is available here: https://sangodare.podia.com/is-this-america-survival-and-creativity-in-the-face-of-electoral-foolishness

Julia Wallace