photo by Dagmar Schultz
We Are Ready
A poem by the participants in “The Difference Between Poetry and Rhetoric: Audre Lorde and Using Our Power” after “Power” by Audre Lorde
My power is within my words
My power is my community
My power is my possibility
My power is my radical black feminist lineage
My power is in my queer family
My power is my tender, childlike heart
My power is my voice, even when it trembles, even when it’s shaking
My power is my yes, and my no, and the space in-between
My power is a language of love
My power is in the songs I sing and cherish
My power is my love that gives me courage because I trust my ancestors that walk with me
My power is my feistiness
My power is my faith
My power is my sight
My power is my intimacy as illumination
My power is my desire to love you regardless
My power is trusting in wholeness - in me, in this moment, in you
My power is the reminder that more important than the “what” is the “how”
My power is my imagination
My power is my vulnerability
My power is my giant and my small
My power is my ability to hear the smallest voices, in me and others
My power is hope
My power is my humility
My power is my love of listening with an open heart
My power is in my ability to say the truth
My power is my ability to name and shame state violence
instead of blaming individuals for what the state has done to us
My power is learning to love this land without having to claim it
My power is my clarity
My power is my remembering
My power is trying
My power is my connection to my love
My power is my Black Southern heritage, my ability to rest and fight at the same damn time
My power is my humanity
My power is my refusal
My power is my evil being public domain, co-opted, collective, perpetrator and victim
My power is our entangled roots, always connecting us, always sending bursts of poetry
My power is my spiritual calling to love humanity
My power is my connection to all beings
My power is in my sacred solitude
My power is mine
My power is real
My power is my capacity to hold contradiction
My power is my capacity for love, my soul-deep rage, my embrace of both
My power is feeling my feelings
My power is my connection to spirit
My power is the breath of life
My power is my knowing is my faith is my surrender
My power is yet unknown to me
My power is my love
My power is my love
My power is my listening
My power is my belly
My power is my breath
My power is my uncanny intuition, my big heart,
and my fierce desire to protect my people near and far
My power is my ability to nourish my community
My power is my ancestors who hold me
My power is my Mother, guiding me to the peaks of my values,
so I may see the expansiveness of my Self and feel the winds of her Love
My power is the tenderness of my heart that keeps me present
and refuses to harden or go numb
My power is my heart, broken into a greater wholeness
My power is my connection to the divine
My power is my capacity to feel
My power is being present
My power is in both my tears and my rage and not numbing to either
My power is water medicine, the tears that flow and transcend the limits of words
My power is my creativity, my tenderness, my vision, my loudness, my connectedness to my people - both living and passed
My power is my unrelenting, deep love for the earth and all the living beings within it
My power is the dance that keeps me connected to the earth and all her beings
My power is my learned sensitivity to slowness in relationship to holding that space for others
My power is my joy, my dreams, my energy
My power is my song, my voice, my love
My power is my sexual energy unleashed and expressed
My power is my dead people who want more
My power is my deep knowing
My power is a holy well
My power is my strength
My power is my gentleness
My power is my practice
My power is my art and the endurance and stamina of my love
My power is in resonance , powerful togetherness.
My power is when I’m not my own
My power is my grace even when confronted with rage
My power is colorful, just like my soul
My power is my desire - delight - intuition – curiosity
My power is listening for the memory and medicine I have inherited
in my bones and in my blood
My power is my soul’s love for love
My power is my poetry
My power is my prayer being felt across time and space
My power is to believe
My power is knowing there is another way to be
My power is my love
My power is our power
My power is ready
If you missed the workshop you can still access it here: