For Daddy
write my name in the snow
spell it all capital letters
so you can see it from heaven
shovel your love like a cloud
spell it all in capital letters
as if snow is forever
shovel your love like a cloud
as if love could be frozen
as if snow is forever
as if spelling is spelling
as if love could be frozen
and kept
as if spelling is spell
and my name is a prayer
kept in your heart
which is cold now
and my name is a prayer
so you can feel it from heaven
which is cold
like my name in the snow
One day my father shoveled my name into the snow in the front yard. Available to an aerial view, more like his view now in the way that I think of it. The way I think of it is that as an ancestor my father is still writing my name upon the world. And where will I see it? Will I see my name and its meaning (helper of humanity) in the trees, the masked faces of my community members, in possibilities growing up all around me? I am deepening my idea of heaven. Maybe heaven is the way we learn to know ourselves through the writing of our loved ones on the surface of the earth. Maybe heaven is a poem, a spell, a name, an infinite presence. I’m pretty sure my mom took this portrait of “me.” Not of my body, but of my name preserved for longer than the snow lasted. And one day my writing upon the face of this earth will only be known by those who see themselves in it, and remember. And maybe also in the earth herself, maybe also in the universe which can know and can feel this.