the source of poems
if your sleeve were the ocean carrying me to sleep
would i dream myself your smile
if the waves of fabric woke me
i would be dressed in love
would i dream myself your smile
your beard the cleansing cloud above me
would i be dressed in love
your raining joy
your beard the cleansing cloud above me
your smile the source of poems
your raining joy
the soon and coming words
your smile the source of poems
your face the welcoming earth
the soon and coming words
my head upon your shoulder
your face the welcoming earth
the waves of fabric waking
i float upon your shoulders
ocean carry me to sleep
and never leave
(This poem is for the sweet trinity of my godmother Auntie Jennifer, my father’s godmother Cousin Floss and my Pop-pop and the renewing resource of their smiles. For me this picture is evidence to dismantle my internalized capitalism, the individualist mythology that life is a struggle and I am in it by myself. But look. I am held and supported, not by one, but by many. Not only by the living but also by those who lived before. Not only within the nuclear model of family, but within chosen and extended networks of care. Looking at the photo today I notice that the trinity of adoration and care holding me in this picture are wearing red, white and blue, like that opening scene of Toni Morrison’s Song of Solomon. And actually all three of these angels in my life chose to leave the United States and lived in other jurisdictions for most of my life. I accept the necessary reminder in this moment that though this country does not support life in general and also does not support my life or the lives of those I love in particular, that reality cannot override the fact that the universe does and has and will support us through each other. I love you. I gotta let myself be the baby in this picture, held, supported loved. I want to invite you to be the baby in this picture. Rest. You are loved.)